Added on Thursday 28 Jul 2011
Live at Clyde Auditorium, Glasgow
It seems that I no longer control the elements. Perhaps I never did? An act of pure kindness, however, allowed me to forget my limitations and absorb a thrilling night of music in the Clyde Auditorium.
All the way from Saskatchewan, the delightful Little Miss Higgins began the night. With guitarist Foy Taylor in tow, Miss Higgins kept the crowd spellbound with a set of roots music that owed as much to jazz as it did to rockabilly. As if the music wasn't catchy enough, Ms Higgins also stole hearts with her storytelling. Indeed, her structure in explaining the history of "Bargain! Shop Panties" couldn't have been better. A woman who sings about panties is always going to invite attention. Given the presumed split leanings in tonight's crowd, Little Miss Higgins will have stolen the hearts of men and women alike. Or have I said too much? A truly captivating act.
k.d. Lang is no stranger to Glasgow. Complete with her five-piece Siss Boom Bang backing band, Lang wasted no time in belting out crowd pleasers such as "Water's Edge" and "I Confess" while a devastating rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" drew rampant applause. With good cause and a delayed reaction on the part of the crowd was undoubtedly down to the need to recover their normal breathing rate. From this rather special moment, k.d.. had the crowd at her mercy, and maintained a terrific rapport with the crowd between songs. Two encores didn't seem adequate in the end, but I daresay that nobody could possibly have left the show without a beaming smile.
Beyond all her successes as an activist, Lang is a consummate entertainer. Few modern artists have the belief and commitment to truly blossom as their own person. k.d. is as good example of any artist of how to be yourself and to be brilliant. If you haven't seen her yet, do so.
A change in the weather? Maybe someone else controls the elements. Despite being a little tired in the foot, I chose to walk home. Once away from the Clyde, I could breathe freely again and reflect on what was a very good night for music.
Reviewer: Peter McGee, 6th June, 2011
little mis