Added on Saturday 7 May 2011
There's nothing like a dame. We're not talking pantomime dame, of course, rather the temptress, the femme fatale of a classic film noir. So there she was with azure eyes and the kind of attitude that suggested that, when she took a draw on a cigarette, it would be all that a man could do to keep his heart from jumping out of his chest. Remember why you are here, says a voice in my head. I often hear voices in my head but that's not really an issue (most of the time).
In a bizarre not quite expecting what was heard moment. Nurkurt occupied the stage and delivered a precisely orchestrated set of soft rock covers from the likes of Simon and Garfunkel. Why were they unexpected? Because, as it turned out, they had journeyed from Germany. There's a band with direction.
Back to the local talent next as Chris Gould takes to the stage armed with his acoustic guitar and the kind of intensity that might possibly get him put on suicide watch with that mastery of the minimalist strum-along also putting him squarely in the middle of like minded souls.
Then the sweet Danielle Hutchison, who also armed herself with an acoustic guitar, set about impressing the assembled masses with her downbeat set. A cover of "Knocking on Heaven's Door" sat awkwardly in there but that's life and that is indeed what the people say.
Though cursed with the mundane name of Dougsy, said good gentleman was anything but mundane showing the kind of confidence and musical dexterity that would suggest that bigger things are well within his capability. Mixing rock and jazz influences illustrated that he could turn his hand to complexity as and when he chose and made for not a bad way to end a night. Not a bad way at all.
The frames flicker and the film comes to an end. As the lights come up, she vanishes. Isn't that always the way?
Reviewer: Handsome Bluesbunny, 5th May, 2011