Jolly Beggars Banquet Cheeky Besom Productions

Tuesday 28 January, 2020

Glasgow Literary Lounge at The Calton Bar

‘Jolly Beggars Banquet’ showcases the work of featured singer/songwriter and clarsach player, Pauline Vallance and editor and Burns researcher Kevin Gallagher. Host for the evening is Jim Ferguson.

Calton Bar 415 London Road Glasgow G40 1AG

Come on down to the Glasgow Literary Lounge @Calton Bar Glasgow. If yer ‘wavering like the bauchie-bird’ you’ve come to the right place. Join Cheeky Besom Productions for an exciting night of music and literature celebrating Scotland’s national Bard, Robert Burns (1759-1796).

pauline vallance

Pauline Vallance is a singer/songwriter and clarsach player from Ayrshire. She plays as many venues as possible from Tannahill’s Cottage to Stirling Castle, from folk clubs to the Barrowland and now she’s coming to the Glasgow Literary Lounge @CaltonBar. Vallance takes great inspiration from Burns and plays regularly for the Glasgow and District Burns Association. She has produced two CDs, Songs, Spells & Salsa Moves and Golden Slumbers. She has just received funding from Creative Scotland to produce another. For more information on Pauline Vallance:

Kevin Gallagher: In his past life worked as a Fabricator in shipyards on the Clyde and in Portsmouth. He is currently involved in a research project investigating Radical activity in Duntocher and Dunbartonshire in 1820. Gallagher is the Editorial Assistant for the forthcoming Oxford Handbook to Robert Burns. He has given talks on his research in Greenock Burns Club at the University of St Andrews, University of Edinburgh, and in Marseille. He recently presented at Ellisland Farm where Burns lived at the end of the 1780s. He offers Scottish Literature Level 2 as a faculty member at University of Glasgow covering texts from the mid-fifteenth century up until the late 1700s.


Poets, warriors, misfits, dancers, writers, film makers, mystics, artists, troubadours, flaneurs, sole adventurers, and musicians. Bring us your poems, stories, art, films, myths, songs and legends to share in the Open Mic – Speakeasy Style!

Seeking readers/performers, artists and musicians inspired by the theme, ‘Alternative Burns,’ it’s open to interpretation. Whatever sparks your imagination, anything goes! Each artist will be given a 5-7 minute slot to be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Slot times will be shared on the night.

To secure a slot Contact Ruby McCann: 

This is a FREE Event for All

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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