Independent State of Happiness Wee Write! Big Gaelic Beasties / Biastagan Mòra na Gàidhlig! Saturday 5 March, 2016 The Mitchell

Saturday 5 March, 2016.
Mitchell Library, Glasgow G3 7DN
Part of Wee Write!
After delivering hundreds of fun Contemporary Gaelic Arts Outreach workshops in Circus Skills, Storytelling, Drama & Graffiti Art in schools and communities across Scotland…
Tha Ariel Killick ann an Glaschu airson Fèis Wee Write agus a’ tilleadh gu Ionad Sgeulachdan na h-Alba airson an dàrna turas anns a’ Mhàrt!
This March sees Ariel coming to Glasgow’s Wee Write on the 5th for the first time, and returning for a 2nd time to the Scottish Storytelling Centre a fortnight after on Saturday the 19th after last-year’s sold-out success!
Biastagan Mòra na Gàidhlig! – Wee Write: Disathairne 5mh Màrt, 1.45 – 2.45uf, Leabharlann Mitchell, Glaschu – £5
Big Gaelic Beasties! – Wee Write: Saturday 5th March, 1.45 – 2.45pm, Mitchell Library, Glasgow – £5
Ionnsaich mu chuid de na Biastagan as motha ann an seanchas na Gàidhlig – an Each-Uisge, an Uirisg, Rìgh nan Dobhar & Fuamhaire nan Còig Cheann!
Learn about some of the greatest Big Beasties of traditional Gaelic storytelling lore, the Water Horse, the Urisk, King of the Otters and the Five-Headed Giant!
“Fantastic interactive performance, very entertaining & educational”, “Greatly enjoyed by all… a lot of fun… Ariel was brilliant!” P4 Teachers, Inshes Primary
Gabh pàirt ann an dàna-thuras mìorbhaileach tro Ghlinn na Gàidhealtachd is Mac & Nighean a’ Rìgh, air an treòrachadh aig Cat draoidheil an dà earball, a’ feuchainn am pàrantan a lorg is a shàbhaladh bho ghreim Fhuamhaire nan Còig Cheann & am bracaist a fhaighinn! Bùth-obrach dà-chànanach is fìorspòrsail a bhitheas freagarrach airson gach aois bho Chlas 4 suas.
Take part in a rambunctious adventure through the Highland Glens as the King’s Son and Daughter, guided by their magical Two-Tailed Cat, set out to find and save their parents from the grip of the Five-Headed Giant & get their breakfast! Suitable for children from P4 ages upwards.
“Covered so much in such a short space of time – Drama, Literacy, Gaelic, Heritage” CP3/4 Teacher, Duncan Forbes Primary
Ceannaich Tiocaidean/Book Tickets
The Scottish Storytelling Centre
Also if you can’t make this Glasgow event on the 5th of March, bithidh Ariel @ Ionad Sgeulachaidh na h-Alba cola-deug às a dhèidh! Ariel will be at the Scottish Storytelling Centre just a fortnight later with another great Storytelling & Drama Workshop!
Dàna-Thursan ri Aibidil nan Craobhan – Ionad Sgeulachdan na h-Alba, Disathairne 19mh Màrt, 3-4uf, Dùn Èideann – £6
Adventures with the Gaelic Tree Alphabet! – Scottish Storytelling Centre, Saturday 19th March, 3-4pm, Edinburgh – £6
Tha an Gille Dubh/Glèidheadair na Coille cho dubhach is e ag ionndrainn nan craobhan is a chuideachd a chaidh am fuadachadh, gu bheil e air a dhachaigh anns a’ choille a thrèigsinn gus suidhe na aonar ar bharr beinne, a’ fàgail nan àilleagan uile aige aig Sìne, airson a sgeulachd a innse is eòlas air bhuannachdan ar craobhan dùthchasach a sgapadh.
An Gille Dubh / The Guardian of the Trees, saddened by the clearing of his beloved trees and people, has left his forest home to sit alone atop the highest mountains, leaving his beautiful, prized possessions to Sìne to tell his tale and spread knowledge of the riches of our native trees.
“A big hit, they loved handling the props!'” “New & exciting to the students” P3/4 Teachers, Holme Primary
Bithear a’ suathadh ris na Fuadaichean, crìonadh na Gàidhlig, agus cùisean na h-Àrainneachd, cuide ri beagan bàrdachd anns a’ bhùth-obrach tiamhaidh, smaoineachail seo – ach bi e spórsail cuideachd! Bithear a’ tabhann cothrom ionnsachaidh is bruadar am measg nan rionnagan fo gheasaibh sa Ghàidhlig, cuide ri cothrom pàirt a ghabhail ann an dàna-thuras mìorbhaileach tro chraobhan na h‑Alba! Bùth-obrach dà-chànanach a bhitheas freagarrach airson gach aois bho Chlas 3 suas.
“Good discussion generated on return to class” C3/4 Teacer, Duncan Forbes Primary
This touching, subtly powerful yet fun workshop, including Gaelic poetry & referencing the Clearances, the decline of Gaelic and environmental issues, affords opportunities to learn, lie and dream amongst the ‘stars’ under a magical Gaelic spell, and take part in creating an exciting Scottish forest adventure! Suitable for all ages from P3 upwards.
This section: Aye Write! Glasgow's Book Festival 2016, Books, Talks, Poetry and Creative Writing Events, Kids and young people, What's On Glasgow West End: cinema, clubs, theatre, music, events, festivals, community and more
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