In Perfect Space, Fine Art Photography by Jennifer Fergie

27.8.2015 – 14.9.2015

jenni farge in perfect space
In a world where more and more paper becomes obsolete, this primitive medium is given a new life within ‘In Perfect Space’. Paper becomes important taking on new forms and meaning.

Paper used in everyday life is rapidly being replaced, making way for new convenient technology.
From an object that is constantly overlooked, it starts to radiate new life as surreal and intriguing objects.

The quiet and the minimal are often overlooked for the exciting and the new, however importance lies with the old and the comfortable.

Everything will eventually be replaced with a faster more efficient substitute, however all things can be reconsidered and given a second life.

Fast Is Fine But Accuracy Is Final 25 Jul 2015 - 29 Aug 2015 Project Ability
Blood, Sweat and Gears Exhibition, Riverside Museum

This section: Art, Photography, Exhibitions what's on-glasgow

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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