Bertony Louis at Creative Conversations

Friday 10 March, 2023, 6 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Yudowitz Room Woolfson Medical Building University of Glasgow University Avenue G128QQ
Free event – Book a place
Born in Delmas in 1994, Bertony Louis graduated in law from the École de Droit et des Sciences Économiques des Gonaïves. His poetry has been awarded a total of thirteen prizes in France, Italy, Spain and Cameroon, including the Premier Prix de la Société Des Gens de Lettres (France); the Special prize of the jury of 2020 Concorso Internazionale di Poesia e Teatro Castello di Duino (Italy) and a Special mention by the Prix Jean Bonicel d’Arcadia 2020 (France).
In 2019, Bertony Louis co-authored the collection Mille éclats de mots et autres brillances (Éditions Le Lys Bleu) with Niklovens Fransaint and he has also published work in the anthologies Florilège des écrivains en herbe, Plumes de la Sant Jordi and Florilège Ecole de la Loire. He is a member of the French literary association Le Cénacle des Treize. In December 2021, he was writer in residence at the Fundación Valparaíso, in Mojacar (Spain) and in March-April 2022, he was a writing fellow at Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen (Germany).
Bertony is currently an Artist Protection Fund Writing Fellow in the UK, participating in a cultural exchange program at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Glasgow until October 2023.
Creative Conversations is funded by the Ferguson Bequest. Professor Thomas Ferguson (1900-1977), Henry Mechan Chair of Public Health (1944-64), bequeathed his estate to the University, with the instruction that the money should be used to foster the social side of University life.
More about Creative Conversations
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