A Play, A Pie and A Pint, OranMor, 13 – 18 April, 2015: Whisky ~Galore
Whisky Galore / Uisge-Beatha Gu Leòr
OranMor, Top of Byres Road
Mon, 13 April, 2015 — Sat, 18 April, 2015
By Iain Finlay MacLeod | Adapted By Iain Finlay MacLeod
Featuring MJ Deans, Julie Hale, Roseanne Lynch, Calum MacDonald and Iain Macrae
World War II and the island of Todday is suffering from a serious drought – a distinct lack of whisky. It casts a long shadow over the island and means that Sergeant Odd cannot marry his sweetheart Peggy. For as everyone knows, a rèiteach (wedding party) cannot happen without a dram.
This delightful new version of this much-loved, charmingly whimsical comedy (made famous by the 1949 Ealing comedy film) features a host of colourful characters, live music and, naturally, whisky galore.
A Play, A Pie and A Pint teams up with the National Theatre of Scotland and new Gaelic theatre company, Robhanis to serve up a new Gaelic version of Compton Mackenzie’s legendary liquor classic Whisky Galore/ Uisge-Beatha Gu Leòr. Adapted by Iain Finlay Macleod, and directed by Guy Hollands, this lively, up-close production tours throughout Scotland from 9 April to 9 May 2015. A world premiere.
The production will be surtitled for non Gaelic -speaking audiences
Please note Whisky Galore will be performed almost entirely in Gaelic, with English subtitles
Join the conversation: #WhiskyGalore
Uisge-Beatha gu Leòr/Whisky Galore
Stèidhichte air an nobhail ‘Whisky Galore’ le Compton MacChoinnich.
Air a chur gu dreach airson an àrd-ùrlair le Iain Fionnlagh MacLeòid.
Stiùiriche – Guy Hollands.
An Dàrna Cogadh agus tha na h-eileanan Todaidh Beag agus Todaidh Mòr ann an èiginn – chan eil deur uisge-beatha ri fhaighin. Mar sin, chan fhaod Sergeant Odd an leannan aige Peggy a phòsadh, oir mar a tha fios aig a h-uile duine, cha thachair rèiteach as aonais dram.
Ach tha piseach a’ tighinn air a’ chùis nuair a tha an S.S.Cabinet Minister a’ bualadh Sgeir a’ Ghobha, le 50,000 ceasaichean uisge-beatha air bòrd! Ach chan eil aon duine dòigheil, Caiptein Waggett, am fear os cionn an Home Guard.
An tèid aig na Todaich air an uisge-beatha fhalachd bho na Gàidsearan? Am pòs Sergeant Odd an leannan aige? Am bi duine sobair a-rithist?
Is e innse ùr a tha seo den sgeulachd air leth seo (fiolm ainmeil Ealing a bh’ann an ‘Whisky Galore’, dèante ann an 1949), le iomadach caractar annasach, ceòl beò agus, mar a shaoileadh duine, uisge-beatha gu leòr.
Bidh an dealbh-chluich ann an Gàidhlig, le beagan Beurla.
Gabh pàirt sa chòmhradh: #WhiskyGalore #uisgebeathaguleor
Tickets: 08444 771 000
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