Drawing Together Project – Refugee Festival Scotland

drawing together project

17 – 28 June, 2023

Articulate Hub 249 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 4QE

An exhibition of art by young people from a refugee background in Scotland, Finland and Norway based on a research project on wellbeing. Open from 17th to 28th of June. The artwork shows their memories of wellness in childhood, in their everyday lives now, and in their imaginations about their future. The exhibition is called ‘Drawing Together’ – this has two meanings. One refers to bringing people together to share life’s colours through the creation of art. The other shows how people get closer to each other over time by using their humour and hard work, and by understanding each other’s pressures, joys and sadness. Through a series of original artwork, photography and films, this exhibition is a testament to the ways young refugees add to a nation’s diversity, health and its wealth. The exhibition tells their stories of hope as safety, hope as belonging, and hope as success.

Organised by: CELCIS (University of Strathclyde)University of Bedfordshire

Drawing Together Project

Part of Refugee Festival Scotland



Freewheelin' Fiesta - Glasgow Science Centre
Through Our Eyes Film Screening

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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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