Climate for Change Conversation Online

climate change

Wednesday, 8 June at 10 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.

Climate Conversations allow meaningful discussions about climate change to happen at scale.


“I’ve been truly surprised by the lasting impact of my Conversation amongst friends who were previously silent on the issue – we are still talking about it nine months on!” – Jarrod, host

Having quality conversations about climate change is one of the most effective things we can do to stop it.

‘We are hosting an online ‘Climate for Change’ conversation on 8th June from 10am – 12:30pm – open to all with a max of 10 people.’

‘The concept of SCCAN’s ‘Climate for Change’ conversation is a bit like a Tupperware party, but instead of being sold plastic boxes there is an idea communicated: how we can take action on climate change.’

‘Through the night, we will draw on thoughts and concerns that we may have and give a space to air them, to address them and to let them grow into action.’

‘We have trained facilitators and as we realise that we need more of these conversations throughout Scotland we’ve decided to host one online!’

‘Most of all, this is something we really want to share with people.’

The details are:

Where: on zoom – a link will be sent prior to the event.

When: Wednesday 8th June, 10 am – 12:30pm

Please be on time (and stay until the end) so the volunteer facilitators can allocate at least two hours for a good, distraction-free conversation and give us time to catch up afterwards, and so that they don’t have to give up more of their time than they already are!

Please register asap numbers to expect known. many to expect. If you can’t make it, please cancel your ticket so someone else can take part.

There’s no cost to attend the evening. We also ask someone else to host the next ‘party’ so that we build a movement of people who understand climate change, what needs to be done and what they can do!

If you wanted to support our work but can’t come, you can Become a Member of Scottish Communities Can

The content isn’t really suitable for children, so this is an adult only event!

Find out more about the Climate for Change Programme 

‘Most people in Scotland are concerned about climate change, but are uncertain and overwhelmed – they don’t know how Scotland should respond or what they personally can do.

Social research shows that we make sense of confusing information and decide what to do about it through conversations with people we know and trust.’

Sccan Secretariat


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Avatar of PatByrne Publisher of Pat's Guide to Glasgow West End; the community guide to the West End of Glasgow. Fiction and non-fiction writer.

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