Celebrating Robert Burns - Concert at OranMor
Dave Arcari with Lee Patterson and Duncan McCrone, Drymen January 22nd 2010
Got Me Eletric - 2nd March, 2009
This week Jim and I were invited along to the Captain's Rest for the launch of Dave Arcari's new cd 'Got Me Electric'. I'd never seen Dave perform before, although, when I'm needing to get myself going I have a habit of going to his myspace to listen to his 'uncompromising alt. blues' - I find that i can very easily empathise with 'Close to the Edge'.
It was very enjoyable watching Dave perform and he is certainly a man who has no problem engaging with the audience. His vibrant personality and hell raising style instantly fill the stage with no-one requiere to warm up the crowd. His array of steel guitars provides sufficient accompaniment, although, a new dimension was added when he was joined for a few numbers by the Radiotones, Jim Harcus and Adrian Paterson.
The crowd was enthralled by his slide guitar playing and his rumbling voiced blues, which has wowed audiences in places all round the world, including, Finland, Estonia, France, Germany and Canada. He has won numerous accolades and been nominated for a range of awards. He made the final shortlist (one of just four acts) in the Indy Music Awards' 'best solo artist' category.
Undoubtedly, he is a popular performer and the audience at the launch was right behind him, although, his aggressive style of play is in sharp contrast to the real affection that he engenders from his many fans. The glitterati of Glasgow's music world were out in full force to support him as were his friends, fans and family.
His partner, Margaret, charmed the socks off everyone as she welcomed them to the launch and we mingled and shmoozed with the great and the good.
Jim and I were invited along by Gill Maxwell, Director of Scottish Music Centre, whom we met up with in The Liquid Ship, where we were joined by buddies Lynne and Joseph. We had a quick drink and a bite to eat before moseying along to the Captain's Rest for the launch.
Dave was at hand to meet and greet his guests with a captivating smile and I enjoyed a chat with him, as we have some mutual friends, including that charmer Dominic Venditozzi up in Fife. Gill also introduced me to Peter McCalman, composer and gig promoter, who puts on the fantastic Acoustic Affairs gigs in the City Halls.
We also had a wee blether with Duncan Mcrone, whom we met last year, when both he and Jim were playing at the Linlithgow Folk Festival. Jim went along to see him more recently in his role of Scottish Manager at MCPS/PRS, where he hands out necessary and important advice regarding legal music matters.
Other weel kent faces in the crowd included the guitarist John Goldie, Jim Gellatly, music journalist and dj, Stuart McHugh editor of This Music and Professors of Pop (The Cool Academics) Dr Martin Cloonan and Mark Percival. I wouldn't have been surprised if Seasick Steve himself had walked in the door - given that he has endorsed Dave Arcari's music with the opinion:
Dave plays like he got his skin turned inside out and pretty soon my skin was inside out too listening and it was all good. That boy bleeds for you ... he a real down deep player and a soul man..." SEASICK STEVE
Well, who's going to contradict that - nobody that was along at the launch.
Good luck in Casa Loca, Haguenau, M?hlhausen, Nantwich and Aberdeen, Dave. Pretty sure you'll have zillions of other gigs lined up for you, and everyone else, to enjoy.
Off for another wee listen to "Red Letter Blues".
dave arcari myspace
Pat Byrne, March, 2009.