Planet Waves and Al's Show

Added on Tuesday 30 Oct 2012

Sandy Semeonoff - Planet Waves Wednesday, 31st October

This week on Planet Waves I look forward to Celtic Connections and explore the multi-cultural roots of the music of Texas. And there's a last chance to hear my overview of some of the releases in the Smithsonian Folkways "Music of Central Asia" series.

Planet Waves is on 1530 kHz medium wave around Glasgow and at around the world. The show?s at 1900 hrs on Tuesday with repeats at 1 in the morning and noon on Wednesday - or listen anytime for a month at podcast stream

Photo: als show. New Show from Alan Grant

As not to be controversial, my new show will simply be called "Al's Show". This meets the criteria set out by Celtic Music Radio (The best community radio station in the world). Previous suggestions of names may have not been seen in good light by OFFCOM.

Welcome one and all to Al's Show, starting at 6pm on Friday 2nd November!

1530 kHz medium wave around Glasgow and at around the world.

Al's Show on Facebook

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