Christmas Fun at Woodlands Community Garden

Added on Tuesday 6 Dec 2011

Photo: woodlnds community garden. Yuletide festivities in the garden ....

Wednesday 14th December 5pm - 8pm

Music, mulled wine, storytelling, soup, clay oven bread, christmas crafts

Glasgow's very own Muldoon's Picnic will be treating us to some a'capella carol singing from their weird and wonderful repertoire of folk songs old and new...

We'll be lighting the clay oven for fresh and firey bread and dishing up plenty of hearty soup, all to be washed down with toasty mulled wine.

Warm your hands and heart by the fire and bring wee ones along for silly stories and christmas crafts.

Bring an instrument, a song, a story, friends, pets, hungry bellies and festive cheer....

£4 suggested donation, with free food included. Raising funds for Woodlands Community Garden and Edible Egilsay
