Added on Sunday 17 May 2009
How time is passing! I have just finished the second semester for the Academic year. This semester has been very different to previous years' as I have had a practical theatrical production to work on for Theatre Studies level 2. At the start of the semester my seminar group was given a task to complete a thirty minute production as an update on Sophocles' Antigone with a modernist/postmodernist slant. The semester was to cover modernism to postmodernism in the theatre at the lectures. With a seminar group of 20, this was a daunting task as we all needed to have an input to achieve personal marks as part of the overall assessment for the semester.
The overall experience was great as the young students welcomed me and ensured I was fully integrated into the group. However, there were some low points when I felt too marginal in the production. This was entirely my fault as I chose parts with few speaking lines to avoid embarrassing senior moments when I forget the lines! I was amazed at the talent of many members of the group from stage lighting design to music and singing. I can't sing but I did manage a decent scream at the end of the piece. I have never been on stage acting and I was fascinated by the experience of how the audience is not seen with the lighting and there is a feeling of acting for yourself on stage. The production went well on the day and we were awarded an A overall for it. It is an experience I have come away from with memories of how lovely my peer group were and how some of them are destined for good careers.
I was fascinated by the Theatre Studies Level 2b as there was a strong dance component and dance is my passion, having spent the last 40 years watching and participating in it. I was particularly impressed by a postmodern dancer, Liz Aggiss, and I would recommend seeing some of her stuff if you have the chance. The essay was to be submitted by 28 April and this was fortunate as it meant I could attend my niece's wedding in Atlanta on 1 May. I finished my course work exceptionally early while my fellow mature students were still slaving away over hot books.
The Mature Students Association goes from strength to strength and the University have now put us on to a firmer financial footing through the SRC and given us the opportunity to upgrade the computers and select furniture for the chillout room at 62 Oakfield Avenue. Our new President, Gordy, is a computer whizz so knows the ropes on selecting computers. The main task now is to attract new members in the next academic year by having a stall at Freshers Week and taking part in Freshers Tours of the University along with attracting the students completing the Access course. It is with sadness we will say goodbye to many of our members who graduate this year but do come back and visit!
I have now completed three years in the Theatre, Film and TV Studies Department and in September, I move on to History of Art Level 1. I noticed in the Avenue magazine from the University, the History of Art Department has been awarded the top History of Art Department in the UK so I have high expectations. I am looking forward to the summer although I should be in the University regularly to use the gym at the Stevenson Building.
Remember, if you are interested in studying at the University of Glasgow part time, contact the adviser of Studies in the Faculty before August to discuss subject options and enrolment. Fees may be waived in certain circumstances. Spring 2009