The Children's Garden is now celebrating five years of helping children grow with a great programme of events. Including a Spanish Guitar Concert on Sunday 8th June and and acoustic concert on 14th June. On Sunday 15th there will also be a Strawberry Festival - arts, crafts, strawberries and cream. 12 noon - 3 p.m.
On Saturday 21st you can celebrate the loveliest day of the year with some classical music at 1 p.m. - bring a picnic and a rug.
Sunday 22nd at 2 p.m. there will be storytelling and finally the garden party on Sunday 29th. Recreating the hot days of jazz in the Kibble. 7.30 p.m. - dress smart.
Contact 0778 606 3918 for further information or email:
This is for our contribution to helping to get people interested in locally grown food planting fruit trees to reduce food miles, and for inspiring young people to do their bit for climate change.
We are also looking to launch an Edinburgh Children?s Orchard Network in the near future - if any of you know of edinburgh people or groups who'd like to get involved - let me know... I had an initial meeting on Tuesday ? and that got us started ... The next meeting is at Edinburgh City Council ? 10am - 6th Feb ? and it's open for people to come and find out more..
I have also been putting out feelers to see if we could launch the planned Scottish Children?s Orchard at the Scottish Parliament building at Holyrood.
Winter is a good time to have a break and it?s been good to let the Children?s Garden look after itself, for a month or two... We will need to do some work soon, to get the ground ready for the spring... If we could organise some adult work parties to get some serious preparation done - that would be great.
We are still in the tree planting season ? so if you have an enthusiasm for planting fruit trees... Let me know.
We also need to set the programme of events for the coming year... Ideas very welcome
We have been offered the chance to use the super sports hall at the Western Baths, to run an afterschool activities club - This is starting on the Thursday 31st of January, and will involve some input from the Western Baths staff ? but also will require that kids are accompanied and supervised by adults, and as in the children's Garden, we expect that parents help to run the activities. This will run till the end of March initially... This will be free and kids need to bring gym kit... And shoes for use indoors.
Note this does not include use of the swimming pool ? but I do recommend people check out the facilities and the kid membership is well priced.