
Take The Lead
Business Name
Contact Name
Cara Inglis
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Long Business Description


If you don’t have enough time to walk your dog, for whatever reason, we can help.

These services are provided by fully insured experienced pet owners.

Dogs require physical and mental stimulation and many behavior problems such as barking and chewing are a result of isolation, boredom and insufficient exercise.

We offer a Dog Walking Service where your pet will be collected from your home, given a full hours exercise in a wooded park then cleaned up and returned to their homes tired and happy.

We walk dogs 5 days a week in the west of Glasgow and surrounding areas. Each walk takes a full hour, excluding traveling time, during which your dog will have lots of fun and, most importantly, exercise.

Each walk costs £6 per dog with discount for more than one dog or more than one walk per day.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
07787 81 87 49
Business Tags
Glasgow West

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