Tips for preparing photographs for uploading.

Tips for preparing images for the web.

You can only add photos to flat-to-let and flatmate wanted ads.

The resolution of the image you upload must be 72dpi.

Uploaded images must be of type .jpg (or jpeg) and have the appropriate file extension (this is a security measure).

Images that are too large will automatically be resized - the maximum height, or width is set to 200 pixels; if the image is already smaller than that it will not be resized.

Basic tutorial

  • Scan at 300dpi.
  • Convert to 72dpi.
  • Crop out unimportant background details.
  • Sharpen using Unsharp mask (experiment with the following settings: amount: between 70 and 100%, radius: from .4 to .9, threshold: 0).
  • Resize by 50% steps, resharpen each time until required size.
  • Save as .jpg, low quality (again you may need to experiment to get a small file but acceptable quality).

Click the back button on your browser to continue.

If you require a more detailed guide, you may find this article about using Photoshop to prepare photographs for the web useful.