Poetry by Maggie Graham

Tough Love

You tell his mammy

If mammies could dae it,
it wid be done

If handoots, hot dinners, clean claes, could dae it
it wid be done

If guid haimes could dae it
it wid be done

If lookin at his photo
and sinking tae yer knees sobbing could dae it
it wid be done

If raging love could dae it
it wid be done.

She disnie tell his faither aboot the money oot her purse
She disnie tell his granny don't pit cash in his birthday caird
She disnie tell his sister watch yer bag hen
She disnie tell her pals oanyhin aboot it

She hugs it aw tae hersel
nurses it in the night.
rockin back n furrit
back n furrit

No ma boy
dear god
no ma boy

Bit if denial could dae it
it wid be done

She didnie cause it
she canny control it
she canny cure it

Bit try telling his mammy
It canny be done.

Maggie Graham